The Jerusalem Export House
The Shroud of Turin: Mystery and Wonder
For centuries, the Shroud of Turin has been shrouded in mystery. Believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, it's a source of wonderment for m...
ANOINTING OILS IN THE BIBLE: A Guide for All Religions
Anointing oils are a mysterious and powerful part of the Bible. They have been used throughout history as part of religious ceremonies, healing rit...
Purim 101: Everything You Need to Know About This Fun Jewish Holiday.
Purim is a holiday that celebrates the Jewish people's deliverance from a plot to annihilate them. It is celebrated on the 14th day of the Hebrew m...
Easter, Christianity, and Jewish Faith
Explaining Easter, Christianity, and Jewish Faith to Children
Easter is a time of renewal, joy, and celebration, but it is also a time of reflectio...
The Life and Times of St. Valentine – The True Story Behind the Legend
St. Valentine is often associated with love due to the holiday that bears his name, but who was he, and why do we celebrate him on February 14th? S...
The Pure Beauty of Olive Wood
Celebrate the season with Christian ornaments, Christmas nativity sets, and decorations.
While often connected with the faith and representation o...
Giving Thanks in a Word Full of Strife.
Renewing faith, family, and devotion when all hope seems lost.
There has never been such an ongoing undertone of hopelessness and darkening tim...
The Signal Graces
The meaning of the Rosary and gifts of benevolence.
In our last blog, we looked into the history or perhaps one of the most widely shared visible s...
The Rosary: A Historical View.
How some religions count on these to keep their faith renewed.
Throughout the world, there are perhaps thousands of philosophies and reasonings tha...
A Rose Among the Thorns: God's Spiritual Bloom
by Judi McLaren
Solomon's Song as an Anthem
There is a region in Palestine where the fertile valley plains sustain and propagate a sea of w...
INCENSE FOR ALL: The Story and the Glory of Pure Cleansing
The Modern-Day History
Prevalent throughout the scriptures and ever-present across the ages, the mention and use of incense serve a multitude of ...
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Perhaps one of the most postulated divinities occurs when we become involved in other time-conducive and regulated periods throughout the year. Th...