Are you planning to visit the Holy Land? If so, then the best thing that you can bring for your friends and relatives from the Holy Land are religious gifts made from olive wood in Bethlehem.
A religious gift is the best way to touch the hearts of our loved ones. They can feel so happy when they find that you have brought them some gifts for them from the Holy Land.
The most popular type of religious gifts from Holy Land are those that are made from olive wood. These gifts are held dearly by Christians as the olive trees from which the wood is harvested is said to be in existence from the times of Jesus Christ. The olive wood has a very long history.
It may be hard for anyone to believe that any type of wood is considered to be so sacred. But it is really true that most Christians around the world consider the olive wood of Holy Land sacred. The first olive tree is said to have grown in the Holy Land around 4000 BC and then spread into other areas. These olive trees are considered so sacred because Christ lived and preached in these areas.
According to the Bible, the major part of Christ’s life was spend in Nazareth which is one of the places where these olive trees are found. The Bible says that the Christ himself was a carpenter by profession. Most Christians believe that Christ would have worked on this wood as well. There are many instances in the Bible were the olive trees have been mentioned.
On the way to Jerusalem for his crucifixion, Christ is said to have offered prayers beneath an olive tree. There are many who believe that the cross on which Christ was crucified was made out of olive wood. The bible does not say anything on it and thus it still remains as a mystery.
The olive tree of the Holy land is considered mostly as an immortal tree. When these olive trees get to be around two centuries old, their trunk eventually disappear and new shoots develop from the base giving birth to a new tree. In this way these trees never die and live from one generation to another.
There are many who compare the rebirth of these olive trees to that of Jesus Christ. The wood from the olive trees are now used to make religious gifts. The authorities have ensured that no olive tree would be cut down for the purpose of taking woods from them. The wood which is used to make religious gifts are taken from the trunks of those olive trees that have died due to their old age or which have been cut down for maintenance purpose. Carpenters in the Holy land make different types of statues and other religious gifts from these olive woods. Most people who visit Holy Land do prefer these religious gifts that are made out of olive wood.